Retirement Planning


With the seeds of plenty planted, you will be positioned to harvest the fruits of your labor.

What does retirement look like for you?

We prepare a projection of your retirement needs and develop a cash flow analysis to forecast and confirm retirement income requirements.  We dig deep to understand your relationship with risk and then recommend investment and savings strategies designed to match your lifestyle and financial means. 

Along the way, we will continue to refine your plan as your life and soul evolve. We'll help you to uncover and develop your deeper goals. As you refine your vision of the future, we will be by your side, establishing a soulistic plan that helps you achieve that vision.

  • How are you going to pay for this?

We will analyze your sources of income in retirement, including pensions, 401(k)'s, IRA's, and social security, to determine what we deem the best after-tax strategies for you to pursue in retirement.

This can include:

  • recommending approaches to pension distribution election options.

  • reviewing cash flow requirements.

  • recommending tax-efficient distributions from investment accounts, in coordination with social security benefits.

SOCIAL Security

This critical asset is largely misunderstood – it requires analysis and management into retirement.

You become eligible for Social Security benefits at age 62. For every year you defer taking your retirement benefits, you will receive an 8% increase in your benefit for life. This presents a planning opportunity.

We will analyze all your Social Security options with a focus on: 

  • capitalizing on the benefits of a higher-earning spouse.

  • coordinating spousal and retirement benefits to maximize married couple lifetime benefits.

  • managing survivor and retirement benefits claims.

  • projecting expected benefits for married and divorced individuals and considering the potential advantages of using restricted application filings for spousal benefits.

  • fashioning strategies to minimize the reduction of spousal and survival benefits, in cases where government pensions have triggered the “Government Pension Offset” rule.

  • forming approaches to lessen the impact on benefits when government pension or foreign pensions trigger the “Windfall Elimination Provision.”

Ready to get started? Contact us for complimentary Retirement Planning Assessment.


Header Photo by Johanna Huber